Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) publishes rapid review of the UK Immigration Salary List

The UK Home Secretary unveiled a series of changes to the immigration system regarding the Skilled Worker (SW) pathway on December 4, 2023. Following this, on January 17, 2024, the government tasked the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) with promptly reviewing the newly introduced Immigration Salary List (ISL) and delivering their report by February 23, 2024.

The rapid review of the Immigration Salary List has now been published; however, the MAC will conduct a more comprehensive review of the Immigration Salary List (ISL) later in the year. In its rapid review, the MAC highlighted the need for greater clarity regarding the purpose of the ISL.

The report recommended the continued inclusion of care worker occupations on the Immigration Salary List (ISL) with a commitment to review this decision as part of a fuller ISL review, while expressing concern over low pay within the sector and government inaction following a review.

It highlights a growing gap in salary demands between the private and publicly funded sectors, with exemptions from thresholds widening this divide. The government’s exclusion of itself from salary thresholds could exacerbate exploitation risks for lower-paid occupations like care workers.

Additionally, it notes complexities in visa eligibility criteria, particularly for Healthcare and Care Worker visas, which may lead to disparities in pay thresholds between publicly funded and private sector roles within the same occupation. The statement urges the government to consider these impacts and address the widening divide.

The report also contains other recommendations as well as the Immigration salary thresholds.

Please read the full 21-page review online here or download it here.

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