Dubai Health Authority Introduces ‘Permit to Practice’ for Medical Professionals

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has introduced a new three-month permit known as the ‘permit to practice’, aimed at enabling visiting medical professionals to practice medicine in the United Arab Emirates temporarily.

This permit, which is non-renewable, permits medical practitioners to engage in temporary medical practice under supervision in licenced health facilities, albeit with certain restrictions. Interested individuals cannot directly apply for this permit; instead, the application process must be initiated by the medical director of the health facility holding an active licence, on behalf of the interested party.

Applications are to be submitted through the Sheryan portal, accessible via the DHA portal, utilising the health facility’s account, with only one application allowed per medical director at a time. It’s important to note that obtaining the ‘permit to practice’ does not automatically guarantee the subsequent granting of a full professional licence for medical practice.

The process of obtaining such a licence is separate and subject to the requirements outlined in the Unified Professional Qualification Guide. Additionally, individuals interested in practicing medicine in the UAE must secure a separate entry visa, as the ‘permit to practice’ solely pertains to their right to engage in medical practice.

This initiative aims to address local labour shortages in the healthcare sector by facilitating the influx of foreign medical professionals to the UAE. It provides an opportunity for these individuals to acquaint themselves with local health facilities and regulations before committing to obtaining a permanent professional licence.

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