Free Childcare in the UK

Free Childcare Funding Plan Unveiled for Children from Nine Months Old

Today, nurseries and childminders have made progress towards implementing the government’s most extensive expansion of free childcare, as a fair funding formula is introduced to extend free childcare coverage to all ages from nine months to the start of school. The formulation of this new plan is based on extensive data collection, considering the costs…

Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

UK Eases Visa Restrictions for Foreign Builders to Address Post-Brexit Labour Shortages

In response to labour shortages, partly influenced by Brexit, the UK government has included bricklayers, plasterers, and various construction positions in the government’s “shortage occupation list.” This measure aims to simplify the process for foreign builders to enter Britain. The government has also eased visa restrictions for multiple sectors experiencing significant worker shortages, and it…

Flexible working

New Flexible Working Measures to Benefit Millions

With the attainment of Royal Assent, the Flexible Working Bill grants millions of British workers increased freedom to choose their work location and hours. Under this new law, workers will have the right to request flexible working from the commencement of a new job, and employers will be obligated to consider all such requests and…